Maine was outstanding. Our end of the summer trip has taken on some kind of mythical elements for the girls that can sometimes backfire. (Just ask Johannah, who sobbed on top of Cadillac Mountain because it was too foggy and windy to do our annual blueberry picking. "It's never been like this! Never!" she sobbed.)
The older girls had a grand time with their cousins, Aidan and Francesca. They wrote and performed a play, "The Jest," which was quite a hoot. It had all of the elements of our regular life - the older child pulling one over on the younger child, only in the play, she finds a way to get back at the older kids. Thanks to the pile of debris waiting for the junk man, they even had a set and props. Although they wanted more time to rehearse, the truck was coming at 3 to take the set to the trash heap, so they had to rush right into the performance.
All things considered, I was impressed.
It was great to catch up with family members, especially as everyone headed in different directions. Now Portia is home from Haiti, Phil is in San Francisco for grad school, & Tony is somewhere in France (taking controversial pictures of swans which I quite liked).
We especially enjoyed living comfortably without air conditioning for 10 days; there were nights where we actually needed to pile on a blanket or two. Ahhhh. Molly loved the trip, too - from the ocean to the "big girl swing," from Nervous Nellie's Jams and Jellies to pulling on Uncle Phil's face - - she seemed to love it as much as the other kids.
Some random pictures for your amusement, with no explanation:
No explanation needed...those are really really great pics!! My fave is the second one and the bottom all look wonderful!
my maine photos look so lonely... (IT'S NEVVVVERRR BEEN LIKE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAAAAAAAaaaaaahhhhhhhhh) estoy celosa. maybe next year.
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