It's been hopping around our house all September, with school (and work) back in full swing, the husband taking classes 3 days a week, a fabulous Sisters-Only weekend reunion, and our two weeks with Anna, a wonderful almost 14-year-old from Lauenburg, Germany here for an exchange program with Lindsay. This being our first "free" weekend, my plans were to recover and grade the 300 or so student essays I've accumulated over the past few weeks. Molly helped out by getting a fever and waking up the house at 2, then 4, then 5am both Friday and Saturday nights. So...few papers graded, and little sleep.
Sisters weekend gets first dibs on my time here , because, as those of you with a close-knit family will understand, sisters just come first.
This reunion weekend is a tradition we are starting young, according to many of my friends, who didn't start having sibling weekends by choice until their 50s - - we are starting now, and I wish we could do it every month! With two of us in Chicago, two in California, and lonely me here in Cincinnati (though I get to hog Mom and Dad in Columbus), it takes a bit of planning and budgeting to get everyone together.
But we managed it, and had a fabulous time.
Highlights included: hanging out in pjs and glasses, cracking each other up, Sarah's birthday party and her stories of the Nip/Tuck set, driving to Indiana to visit Grandma and Aunt Pat (Grandma is 96, I think, and still enjoys chocolate cake more than a person should be allowed), sitting outside and barely listening to the annual outdoor mass, trying to use Erin's timer so we could all be in the picture...
You had to be there. But of course, unless you were one of the 5 Thomas Girls, you weren't invited. Sorry. We're a pretty select bunch, I guess :)

Sarah showing off a favorite item at Grandma's house since we were kids - - the candy Hen.

Up next: the lovely Anna from Germany! But first...papers to grade before I fall over.
What great pictures! You are all terribly photogenic....I'm tring not to be bitter. =) And I love the littlest cutie of the bunch at the bottom.
I can't believe how grown up all of you are. And, I must admit, that you do look more alike with the passing years. I'm just stunned...for some reason the pictures of your sisters makes me feel old. Why is that?
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