Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Skanky Is as Skanky Does...

In a show of unprecendented sisterly support, Jamie Lynn Spears has proudly shouted to the world, "You can't call my sister skanky unless y'all ME skanky too!"

Thanks for sharing, Skanky.

The even better news is that, quite coincidentally I'm sure, Lynne Spears' parenting book is on indefinite hold.

Shocking, indeed.


Ann(ie) said...

**shaking head**

That poor poor family. Trailer doesn't fall far from the park.

she-who-travels-with-camera said...

And yet, if she'd done what so many do and had an abortion, no one would have been the wiser. It's a very tricky situation, I would imagine...

But I imagine raising girls in this fine world these days is all the more challenging with goofs like the Spears as role models. GOOD LUCK WITH THOSE LOVELY 3!!